The leading provider of annual screenings for Cardiovascular, Stroke, and other chronic diseases.

Trusted by over 10 million customers.


Why Get Screened Annually?

Life Line Screening makes you aware of unrecognized and potential health risks annually. Awareness and early detection of disease enables you to take action.

Screening Options:

Cardiovascular & Stroke Disease Risk Screening + Women's Essentials

Recommended for Women age 40+ to support optimal health & well being


Cardiovascular & Stroke Disease Risk Screening + Men's Essentials

Recommended for Men age 40+ to support optimal health & well being


Cardiovascular & Stroke Disease Risk Screening

Recommended for everyone age 40+


As seen in:

Getting Screened is Convenient and Easy!

Schedule An Appointment

Select an appointment from over 14,000 locations across the U.S.

Get Screened

Attend your appointment. Screenings are fast, painless, and non-invasive.

Get Your Results

About 7 days after your appointment you’ll receive your results online.

Success Stories & Testimonials

What our customers say about us

Life Line did a good job and their staff was very receptive

and professional. They found some problems which I went to the doctor for and had surgery. Looking at it in the long run, they kind of saved my life.

– Donald, Illinois

Everybody was telling me to check my carotid artery and see

if there were any blockages. I had it checked with Life Line and there were slight blockages from what they could see on their pictures.

– Erica, Florida

 I’ve been using Life Line Screening off and on for 10 years.
Everything is real quick. It’s like an assembly line, but these people know what they’re doing. It’s quick. They get you down there. They’re nice. That’s why I go back. It’s very professional.

– Harold, Georgia

Ready to get started?